...Nasze galaretki jabłkowe są wytwarzane poprzez wyciskanie soku z naszych organicznych jabłek, a następnie poddawane prostemu procesowi gotowania.
Pektyna naturalnie obecna w owocach pozwala produktowi żelować. Agar-agar również wzmacnia działanie pektyny.
Nasze galaretki są pakowane w słoiki o pojemności 310g.
Waga brutto: 535g / 1,18lb
Waga kartonu 12 sztuk: 6,5kg / 14,33lb...
Semi-dried peach can be dried in specialised industrial ovens, with moisture content and other properties adjusted according to customer preferences.
During harvest , fresh peach are washed, segmented, dried in ovens, and subsequently frozen.Without the addition of any additives or preservatives.
The frozen Semi-dried peach are stored in cold storage facilities and can be shipped either frozen.
Suggested Usages
Ready Meals, Pizzas, Sandwiches, Salads, Appetizers, etc.
Product Information
Storage : – 18 Degrees Celsius
Shelf Life : 2 Years
Packaging Options
In a 10 kg cardboard box
Doy Pack (0,5 kg)
Le mandorle sono un ingrediente molto utilizzato in diverse cucine tradizionali nell'area del Mediterraneo, in particolare nella cucina siciliana, nella cucina sarda e nella cucina pugliese, sia nel dolce che nel salato. Si raccolgono a mano e con delle verghe (bastoni flessibili lunghi dai 3 ai 5 metri) nel periodo agostosettembre e sono usate sia in cucina (pesto alla trapanese) che in pasticceria (confetti, biscotti, pasticcini, marzapane).
Ricche di nutrienti e di fibre, aiutano a smorzare l'appetito senza far ingrassare e contrastando l'iperglicemia e fattori di rischio cardiovascolare.
Ecco le ultime novità sui benefici delle mandorle presentate al convegno annuale dell'American Society of Nutrition.
Qual è lo spuntino migliore per spezzare la fame senza compromettere l'appetito ai pasti? Le ultime novità della ricerca scientifica sembrano lasciare spazio a pochi dubbi fra le scelte migliori c'è quella di optare per una manciata di mandorle.
We have been supplying fresh fruits and vegetables to retail networks throughout Europe for many years. We specialize in exports of apples, pears, plums, cherries, strawberries, cabbage, Chinese cabbage and other products.
We buy them directly from farmers with whom we sign long-term supply contracts. It enables us to ensure consignment continuity. Our products can be packed in any way according to our client's request as we own a packaging production facility.
Availability:10 000 tons
Robe jaune, blushée de rose orangé
Chair ferme, croquante et bien sucrée
D’octobre à juin
Pomme issue de l’agriculture raisonnée, cultivée en vergers écoresponsables et certifiée Haute Valeur Environnementale de niveau 3 (HVE3)
Fruit stocké en chambre froide, sans rupture de la chaine du froid
Nos conseils de conservation de préférence dans un endroit frais, aéré et à l’abri de la lumière
Idée recette
Les pancakes aux pommes et miel
Le gâteau invisible aux pommes
Une pomme bien sucrée, cultivée en HauteSavoie, dont la chair ferme et croquante est très agréable à croquer ou à cuisiner.
Sous sa robe jaune, blushée de rose orangé, se cache une chair ferme et croquante. Bien juteuse, le fruit est généralement délicieusement sucré et parfumé. Un peu verte, la pomme Pinkgold Leratess rafraîchit par son goût légèrement acidulé. La variété se croque à tout moment de la journée.
Weißt Du noch früher? Als Du nach dem Toben auf dem Spielplatz mit den anderen Kindern völlig ausgehungert nach Hause gekommen bist und Oma schon mit ihrem weltbesten Apfelkuchen – am liebsten noch mit Streuseln und Pudding – auf Dich gewartet hat? Der Duft frisch gebackenen Kuchens lag schon in weiter Ferne in der Luft, das Wasser ist Dir bereits im Munde zusammengelaufen, weil Du den ersten Bissen gar nicht abwarten konntest: Saftig und lecker!
Damit jetzt gar nicht erst der Spruch “Früher war alles besser” kommt, stehen unsere Apple Cluster schon für Dich bereit. Schlag deswegen am besten sofort zu und kaufe leckere Kindheitserinnerungen ein.
Our company is Turkish apricots sales and distributor. We supply fresh fruits on the domestic market of Turkey and to the many countries of Europe and Asia. We offer to our partners a full spectrum of services for large supplies of apricots, we provide transport and custom clearance services. We conduct the careful selection of delivered products and guarantee the quality and freshness of our products.
Growth of this variety is medium to weak, not a typical
spur variety, upright branch growing habit, fast and highly
productive variety. So-called half-spur variety forms flower
buds also on one-year stems. It is blossoming just before
Golden Delicious.
Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Gala, Fuji, Idared
Shape of this variety is oblong, conic, mildly ribbed. Very
attractive, uniform, and intense red color on the whole surface of the fruit, with lenticels. The flesh of this variety is
juicy, white in color, firm to soft but crisp, and the taste is
sweet with almost no acidity.
FRUIT SIZE: Medium-large fruit size.
Middle to end of September, similar to Golden Delicious.
Highly productive and great and storage capability. It can
be kept in storage for 3 months, in cold storage until Feb
The Pina Colada is one of the most classic cocktails in the world, oftentimes made with rum, cream, and pineapple. However, you might have been oblivious to the fact that using a cream dispenser and cream charger is critical to the successful preparation of this recipe. In the second to last step, the pineapple mixture is put in a cream dispenser, which is then recharged twice with an N2O cream charger. After the drink is kept for cooling in a refrigerator for an hour, it is ready for serving and makes its way into a cocktail glass.
Bonus points for garnishing the Pina Colada with a pineapple wedge and pineapple leaf!
120ml pineapple juice
60ml white rum
60ml cream
Wedge of pineapple
Pineapple leaf
Créez une délicieuse crème glacée, granite, bavarois, mousse, smoothies, desserts glacés et bien plus encore...
Dès leur récolte, nos fruits sont immédiatement transformés et surgelés afin de garder toute leur saveur et leur fraîcheur naturelle.
Unité de vente
Tetra de 1 kg ( 6 par colis ) ou 500 gr ( 12 par colis )
Quelques parfums en barquette plastiques de 1 kg
Une gamme en bacs plastiques de 11 kg